
Pursuit of beauty in photography. That's why we make portraits.

I have a small studio in Austin, Texas.
I like to make portraits there for myself.
I use all kinds of cameras and play with lights.
I'm looking for a quiet intensity.
People being actively alive.

It's more fun than working.


Gary said...


Wolfgang Lonien said...

Beautiful photography as always Kirk. I remember these from your Samsung time...

Gato said...

Sometimes your posts just make me wish for a "Like" button.

Rusty said...

Kirk, for some reason lately your pictures show as a black rectangle. No image. thought you should know. I'm running Windows 10 on Chrome browser. Was no problem before with same set up

Edward Richards said...

Do you use any of the portrait processing programs such as PortraitPro? Are they better suited to the fashion mag images that are highly processed? I cannot see you widening eyes or other some of their other tricks.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Rusty, It sounds like you just made some changes in your system. Nothing has changed on this end and I've systematically checked in on all the formats (all non-windows) that I use, from phones to iPads to laptops and desktops. No changes here. Don't know what to tell you. Might be time to upgrade to an Apple machine....

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Edward, I'll use anything to make the photos look better. I use Portrait Pro but I think their advertising does a major disservice to their product. You only see the most garish examples on the webvertising but you can use as little or as much correction and fine tuning as you want. And yes, last week I had a portrait subject that was very squinty and I actually used the eye widening control. But not so much that it was obvious. The tools are tools. How you use them determines the results. No purist here.